How to Rate Charity Organizations
Rate Charity Organizations

Everybody knows how important charity organizations are in the world. But do you know how important it is to rate charity organizations? Before donating to charities, most of us want to know that our charity donations are going to people that need help, and not merely being absorbed by inefficient charity organizations. That is why it is so important to pay attention to charity ratings, before deciding which charity organization to give your money to.


1Once you've decided on which charity organization to support with your hard earned money, you should go to the website, I've included the link below. This website keeps track of tons of information on different charity organizations and can tell you which charities are best at getting your donation to people in need. When you get to the website, enter the name of your charity into the search bar at the top of the screen.

 2 If you want the quickest review of your charity organization, look at the Overall Rating field on the page. Charity organizations that receive four stars or more are very efficient and definitely worth donating to. Perhaps, the second most important part of the charity ratings are the charts titled Expense Breakdown. On these pie charts, you want to see the program expenses take up a far larger amount of the circle than administrative expenses or fundraising expenses. If this is the case, it signals a good charity rating. It means that the charity organization is giving most of your money to the people that it claims to be helping.

3 But what if the charity organization that you had hoped to donate to doesn't turn out to rank high in the charity ratings? No problem. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, charity navigator always gives suggestions for other charity organizations that do similar types of work to the charity that you requested. Once you find other charity organizations that you would like to donate to, you can see how these charity organizations stack up in the charity ratings.


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