Photos taken at the right time
A new collection of photographs taken at the right time.

Incredible pictures You Won’t Believe Aren’t Photoshoped
It’s hard to be amazed by anything you see online, when you know any teenager with a computer and a pirated copy of Photoshop can cobble together a fake photograph in minutes. Unfortunately this means there’s a whole bunch of jaw-dropping yet real pics that the internet declared “FAKE!” the moment they appeared. Here goes a list of such amazing images that are all for real. You’ll never believe the photos in the list below weren’t photoshoped. Really amazing. Look for yourself and then you be the judge.

From stroynyashek in bbw

by umer | 3:45 PM in , , , , |

From stroynyashek in bbw
The girls ran himself, and looked very well. Sorry for them.

Girls kisoklassnitsy
Good selection of girls kisoklassnits long they loved us. kisovedenie of Interest in Pictures

Cars for off-road

by umer | 1:28 PM in , , , |

Cars for off-road
Many fans of off-road cars are strengthening their special frame rigidity.In the event of an accident, the design of steel pipes can save the driver from serious injury.Quite an effective method of judging by these photos.

Secrets of the "ice man"
"Iceman" Oetzi or Etsi - Ice mummy of ancient man, discovered in 1991 in the Tyrolean Alps on a glacier in the Ötztal valley Similaun at an altitude of 3200 meters. Age mummy, defined by the radiocarbon method is about 5300 years. Currently, scientists continue to study the mummies.
Hand "ice man" lying on a sterile foil.

10 facts about musicians

by umer | 10:22 AM in , , , |

10 facts about musicians
1. Everyone knows that Dana International was once a man. But few know that she was also a footballer.

The children laughed at Katy Perry
March 7, held on Saturday Kids' Choice Awards. Katy Perry came on the scene,to open a box with a surprise, look what happened.

A girl with her friends, celebrities
Probably good to have friends, celebrities, and even in such numbers.This girl is popular among celebrities, it can be seen from the photographs.You too can get such friends, it is enough to master Photoshop.

Miracle:Within a month, a girl aged 50 years
When a resident of Vietnam tells her age, and shows his picture a year ago, it's hard to believethat, first of all, she's only 26 years old, and secondly, that the photo shows it. The woman believes that drastically aged due to a rare form of allergy.  26-year-old resident Phuong Nguyen Thi (Nguyen Thi Phuong) now looks at least 70 years. The woman claims that only a few weeks of its appearance has changed beyond recognition. 

She says that despite the great popularity in her homeland of seafood, with her ​​childhood, many species of fish and shrimp and scallops cause severe allergic reactions.
Nguyen Thi Phuong recalls that not so long ago, it still tasted several kinds of seafood dishes, while her husband, a carpenter by profession, invited her on the occasion of the anniversary of their wedding day in a cafe.
"By the end of the day I start to itch terribly the whole body. Itching did not stop for a second: I do remember that itch even in a dream "- she said.

Miracles of Photoshop
Original picture further. Do not be afraid.

Beautiful and cute Asian girls
Great collection of cute beautiful girls.

Beautiful HDR photos
Classroom collection of HDR photos, impossible to put down when viewing.

Cuties of support groups
Cheerleaders at work and in everyday life.

Girls in the form of fire

by umer | 12:32 PM in , , |

Girls in the form of fire
Girl in the form of fire. When viewing photos is hot. Especially the girls look crazy with a hose in his hand.

Beautiful pictures and drawings
Beautiful images pictures and drawings,extreme entertainment.

12 Craziest Sculptures
This controversial piece of art was created by Italy's. The sculpture – officially titled L.O.V.E. but popularly known as The Middle Finger – has the shape of a huge hand, beautifully sculpted from Carrara marble – the same material used by Michelangelo and Bernini. But its middle finger is extended skywards in a very un-Renaissance-like gesture of contempt.

Unsolved mysteries of the XX century
Great mysteries of our planet 1900 - Eileen Moore Lighthouse on the island Flannan. Becsledno gone all watch a lighthouse keeper. 1902 - "the Paris crash." On the night of 29 to 30 December in 1 hour 05 minutes in many places in Paris to stop the clock. 1908 - The fall of the Tunguska bolide (meteorite).
1911 - 14 July, the Roman station at the "cruise", hosted by "Sanetti" for wealthy Italians who came progudochny train. 106 passengers went sightseeing surrounding the new section of road. The train was approaching the tunnel superdlinnomu.

Flying boat

by umer | 9:18 AM in , , , , |

Flying boat
 Its amazing.This boat is locking very cool,working in the same time twice.Performing like a boat as well as airplane.

A new modern station in China
Impressive train station, designed by London-based TFP Farrells, recently opened in Guangzhou, China. Station is targeted at 300 thousand visitors daily.

Palace of debris
Former construction workers, retirees from the city of Artem Primorye and Alex Valentine Krivova built in his yard a palace of debris. Since 1995, using fragments of tiles, bricks, pieces of wire and fittings, retired erect a fairytale castle of their dreams. Together with them in the construction involved 15 cats and three dogs.

Stock Photography: Harry Potter
Needless to say, the heroes of the blockbuster Harry Potter growing up in front of the whole world! Here is a photo from the set of Harry Potter. Denniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, as you see, have not children. This is a mature actor held. Please backstage.

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