Miracle:Within a month, a girl aged 50 years
When a resident of Vietnam tells her age, and shows his picture a year ago, it's hard to believethat, first of all, she's only 26 years old, and secondly, that the photo shows it. The woman believes that drastically aged due to a rare form of allergy.  26-year-old resident Phuong Nguyen Thi (Nguyen Thi Phuong) now looks at least 70 years. The woman claims that only a few weeks of its appearance has changed beyond recognition. 

She says that despite the great popularity in her homeland of seafood, with her ​​childhood, many species of fish and shrimp and scallops cause severe allergic reactions.
Nguyen Thi Phuong recalls that not so long ago, it still tasted several kinds of seafood dishes, while her husband, a carpenter by profession, invited her on the occasion of the anniversary of their wedding day in a cafe.
"By the end of the day I start to itch terribly the whole body. Itching did not stop for a second: I do remember that itch even in a dream "- she said.

Because the money to visit a doctor they have not been with her ​​husband, Nguyen began to cure people's means, which she bought at a local shop for connoisseurs of ancient recipes of Vietnamese medicine.
itchiness subsided a bit, but the rash remained, it was only after an all-woman after start of treatment by these drugs.
But then within just a few weeks her skin started to happen strange changes - Nguyen Thi Phuong has turned into an old woman, but then it was not yet 25 years old. However, women continue to teeth, hair, memory as a young woman, remained unchanged and the menstrual cycle.

Doctors and able to give her the diagnosis: some thought it was the result of long medication that contained corticosteroids, and others believe that it is absolutely new, previously unknown to science disease.
The poor woman had stopped all attempts to recover and regain its former appearance, and moved with her ​​husband in another province of Vietnam, where no one knows.

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