Most great books

by umer | 12:20 PM in , , , |

Most great books
Much love for literature, some creative friends ... is expressed in large dimensions. Vivid examples of this - in our current compilation of the greatest books.
"The biggest book for kids" at the time was the largest book in the world. Released it in 2004 publishing "the Institute" (Russia). Dimensions books nemalyshki - 6 by 3 meters, the area of ​​common living room in the Khrushchev. Weight of the book - almost a half-ton, 492 lbs. The book contains illustrated poems by Russian authors: Sergei Mikhalkov, Vladimir Stepanov, Sergei and Andrei Eremeeva Tyunyaeva. The latter, incidentally, belongs to the very idea of ​​the book. 
We turn to the serious: Deutsches Warterbuch - the largest vocabulary in the world. Began his notorious Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in 1854 and completed their followers, in the 1971 volume dictionary of 34,519 pages, the publication consists of 33 volumes. The biggest English Dictionary is The Oxford English Dictionary. Dvadtsatitomnoe collection contains 21,728 pages.
Book by Jules Romain (France) contains the largest number of words. The work in 27 volumes was published in the 1932-1946 biennium, and in English translation, the book was published in 14 volumes in 1933-1946 years. The product of a volume of 4959 pages contains approximately 2.07 million words (not counting the index volume of 100 pages)
"Great Chinese Wikipedia" - that could be called the biggest paper encyclopedia in human history. In her 11 000 (!) Volumes. The content of the encyclopedia covers everything that has been known to scholars in the Middle Kingdom in 1407. I wonder whether they know the term graphomania?
The biggest comic book less serious and much more creative creature was published in 2011 in France. A team of 11 writers and 111 designers are the greatest comic writers in the world. The length of the comics - 1 kilometer of paper to create it took 800 kg.
 To truly significant works include the book of the hardest stone, its name - Pagoda Kutodav. In the book of 729 pages and 1458 pages. This sacred text is stored in Mandalay, Myanmar (formerly Burma). Each page - this is a marble slab. The size of each sheet - 1.5 meters per meter.
 The largest photo book with a brief book entitled Earth ("Earth") has dimensions of 1.83 by 2.74 meters. Its price - $ 100 thousand. Earth produces private publisher Millennium House (Australia). According to the owner of publishing house, is scheduled to be released 31 books. Price for a total of $ 3.1 million. In the book, published mainly maps and collages of famous places, made ​​up of professional photos of the highest quality.
 The biggest reader
 Today, paper literature is beginning to give way to more modern formats. Device for reading electronic books, as a rule, have small dimensions and are designed to read the road, or other "marching" conditions. However, there is an exception: Readers with a diagonal screen 9.7 inches (dimensions similar to the tablet Apple iPad). At the moment it is the largest reading room with E-Ink display on the market. An example of this reader - PocketBook Pro 912. A device with a screen a little smaller than a sheet of A4, it is necessary, especially for home reading. It is also great readers are popular with students and professionals who deal with technical and scientific literature, where a lot of graphs and charts with fine detail. It is interesting that such a large thickness of the display PocketBook Pro 912 with 11 mm and weight - 565 grams.

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