Cave of giant crystals
 1. Crystal Cave (Cueva de los Cristales) is located in the shaft complex Naica, in the Mexican desert of Chiahua at a depth of 300 meters.

 2. Miraculous miracle occurred as a result of creating a unique natural temperature conditions and natural environment obstruction, which was not disrupted millions of years.
 3. Amazing cave discovered in 2000, two brothers - Miner Sanchez, who laid the new tunnel.
 4. Humidity here is 100%, temperature 58 degrees, so no special equipment is safe to be only 6-10 minutes. Otherwise, you can get heat stroke, cause sharp pressure surges.
 5. Cave of Swords was discovered later, and despite the slightly smaller size, it is as admirable and striking in its beauty.
 6. Huge crystals reach 15 m in length and 1.5 meters in diameter. Such giants weigh over 55 tons.
 7. Volcanic activity associated with high temperature and pressure, which began 25 million years old, filled the cavity of the ground anhydrite (a form of gypsum), which later broke up and enriched water, allowed to dictate the nature or the whim of a such an incredible miracle.
 8. If the crystals are placed in the environment, which for them was "home" for thousands of years, they continue to grow.
 9. Preserved liquid droplets within the crystals make it possible to understand the conditions during development and education of these cells with crystal formations.
10. According to the analysis of samples, one of the main conditions for the emergence of such giants of crystals is the constant presence of cameras in a very narrow temperature range of 55-60 degrees Celsius.
 11. To date, despite the enormous scientific and aesthetic value of these caves for the world community, a few crystals are already damaged.
 12. Repeated attempts to break off pieces of crystal "as souvenirs," or for smuggling prompted the owners of the company to install an iron door.
 13. One of the miners who tried to steal a piece of findings did not consider environmental conditions, and was subsequently will actually baked.
 14. Selenitovye block crystals characterized by its parallel-fiber structure.
 15. The crystals have a lovely yellow and silver, and sometimes greenish overflow. Selenium in ancient Greece - the goddess of the moon. It seems to shine just as noble as that of the nocturnal luminary, this stone got its name.
 16. Selenium figures traditionally seen as helpers in matters of love and public speaking. But in the east village - a "spiritual rock", which clears the mind, body adjusts internal vibrations of the same frequency with the cosmic energy.
 17. Constant research and analysis of the data provide geologists a big field of study. "Multi-million blockage of caves" enables scientists to not only suggest, but also to witness the stages of the earth's crust.
 18. According to Garcia-Ruiz - a geologist from Iceland, "No other place on the planet where the mineral world reveals itself in such beauty ..."
 19. According to our recent computer simulations and mathematical analysis, the shaft complex Naica, where he found two caves, waiting in the wings a few of these cameras.
20. If you believe the theory developed genetic mechanisms for the formation of such crystals, it is quite possible that sometime in active tectonic regions of our planet is the same cave rooms with unique crystals.

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