Vertical gardens

by umer | 2:55 AM in |

Vertical gardens
Vertical garden used for decoration as external walls, roofs of various designs and interiors. Vertical garden idea has found expression in works of svoë French botanist Patrick Blanc, and the designer, the majority of installations, which is based in Paris. The first vertical installation was created in 1988,

Mike Myers welcomes first baby boy with wife
Mike Myers welcomes first baby boy with wife, Mike Myers has become a first-time father.

A spokesperson for the Austin Powers star confirmed in May that the actor's wife Kelly Tisdale was pregnant with the couple's first child.

Today, Myers's rep revealed that the pair welcomed a baby boy two weeks ago.


by umer | 11:14 AM in , , , |

The new selection fotobomb.

Endless room

by umer | 3:22 PM in , , |

Endless room
 The creator of this room holds that man, being here feels that the room has no boundaries. spheres, corners, mirrors - all this creates a sense of infinity.

Endless room

by umer | 3:21 PM in |

Endless room
 The creator of this room holds that man, being here feels that the room has no boundaries. spheres, corners, mirrors - all this creates a sense of infinity.

Guinness World Records 2012
In the 2012 participants who fell into a book, is the fastest, highest, hairy and others quite bizarre records. We offer a look at unusual champions. 
Chanel Tupper from California, USA, has the longest tongue in the world, whose length from the tip to the top is equal to 9.75 cm

Surfers pictures taken at the right time
Beautiful picture taken at the time of surfing. 

People and sculptures
Sculptor Zachary people send their photos Shavriku Max.And he's doing for them such great cartoons.
's great turns.

Forest full of secrets

by umer | 1:42 PM in , , |

Forest full of secrets
 Sometimes the forest near Moscow on a very much unexpected surprises. Here, for example, forest: bushes, grass, trees ... All green living, natural. And then suddenly - electro-under a tree.

Beautiful photo manipulation
 Combine the ground and space. It turns out very interesting, mysterious and enigmatic.

Guy perdanyuh

by umer | 2:32 PM in |

Guy perdanyuh
 I do not know what does this guy, but it looks cool. approach the passer and zanyuhat his point - it boldly. 
Applause. this moron.

Nice pictures of owls
 Beautiful pictures of owl.

Hi-tech outdoor fun
Summertime is just about over, but there's still plenty of time to soak up some rays before things get chilly. And thanks to some snazzy goodies, there's a lot more to do than just fly kites and stare at the ocean these days. Check out these high-tech toys perfectly suited for outdoor hijinks.
AR Drone Parrot
Remember those remote-controlled miniature helicopters that were all the rage a few years back? Here's what they grew up into. The AR Drone wirelessly connects to your iPhone, sending back a real-time video feed of the view from its cockpit. Cunning software makes it stable even in light winds, and with a top speed of 11 mph and a battery that'll keep you in the air for 12 minutes, it's a versatile toy. Better yet, you can even download iPhone games that'll create virtual obstacle courses for it to navigate.

Cool and funny collection of  football pictures
 On the football field, you can see not only a good game of athletes, but still a lot of funny people and things. Must be very careful, to be able to look around and take pictures of funny moment in time.

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