The coldest place in the world

by umer | 3:30 AM in , |

The coldest place in the world
Picture story for those who complain about the cold! You urgently need to go to the village of Oymyakon, because it's cold here in the present. In January, the temperature here can be firmly weeks at around minus 50 º C, so it is not surprising that the town is rightly called the coldest in the world. The lowest temperature ever was Oimjakon ... -71,2 º C!
The village is home to around 500 people. In the 20th and 30th years of the last century it was a stop for deer herders. In the years of the Soviet Union was an attempt to "anchoring" the nomads as government considered them unmanageable. The result is a village.
Cold usual thing!
Ojmjakon word means "freezing water" - in honor of the nearby hot spring. Cold? Thawing bones in a hot spring.

On this memorable sign, mark the most record-low temperature in the history of the village.

Nikolai Petrovich peasant brought his cows to drink water on a narrow strip of thermal waters at the edge of the village. Despite the terrible cold winter in June, July and August are often temperature +30 º C.
There is little that is growing, so that people who eat the meat of deer and horses. The village has only one store, and local residents are working shepherds deer hunters and fishermen.
Most of the houses are still burns coal and wood for heating. There are few modern conveniences.

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