Rare Historical pictures

by umer | 9:33 AM in , , |

Rare Historical pictures
Propose to look at historical pictures. Filming "Cleopatra", 1963
British sailor removes shackles from the slave end of the 1800s.
 Underwater vehicle for Israeli commandos, 1967
 Demonstration of the Thompson submachine gun (without magazine), 1927
 101st Airborne Division waiting helicopter to evacuate the wounded, 1968
 Soviet leaders are celebrating the second anniversary of the October Revolution, Red Square, 1919
 Famous image of Jimmy Sime, illustrating the gap between different classes in pre-war Britain, 1937
 Residents of West Berlin children show their grandparents, who are on the east side, 19
 NASA scientists, 1960
 "Titanic", April 1912
 Berlin in 1945
Former prisoners of war in Singapore, September 1945
 Cinema in South Bend, 1950
 New York, 1865
 Creating tattoos, 1930
 Central Line of the London Underground, 1898
 Bombing Japanese airfield, 1943 - 1945 gg.
 Tamer Captain Jack Bonavita with clients, 1905

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